Детские сады г.Пензы

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Здравствуйте,есть ли у Вас вакансия воспитателя?

18.09.2016, 2281 просмотр.


Вакансия воспитателя
Здравствуйте! на данный момент нет у нас вакансии воспитателя, но можно оставить резюме о себе, в случае вакансии.

Сидорова Татьяна Борисовна21.09.2016 18:05:46#


saleya pm ?


can you show pictures?? mine has crooked stitching on the inside


I love this bag.. and it really looks great on you!!Is yours the MM?? It looks pretty big.. I cannot imagine how HUGE the GM is (:

,get the speedy ...it looks fab ,
not a fan, I am afraid. I'll wait for next season's pieces....

Sarah is my favorite wallet! I have Pomme Vernis but am eyeing the white MC with orange lining! So fresh and pretty


