Детские сады г.Пензы


Здравствуйте! Подскажите,пожалуйста,не требуется ли вам педагог английского языка?

12.05.2023, 307 просмотров.


Здравствуйте. Педагог английского языка не требуется

Админстрация22.05.2023 06:10:32#


saleya pm ?


can you show pictures?? mine has crooked stitching on the inside


I love this bag.. and it really looks great on you!!Is yours the MM?? It looks pretty big.. I cannot imagine how HUGE the GM is (:

,get the speedy ...it looks fab ,
not a fan, I am afraid. I'll wait for next season's pieces....

Sarah is my favorite wallet! I have Pomme Vernis but am eyeing the white MC with orange lining! So fresh and pretty


